Great Ideas That Didn’t Last: The Aces & Eights


Brian Damage

Throughout the history of pro wrestling bookers and promoters have always tried to come up with new, creative and innovative ideas to generate interest in their product. Some ideas have not only succeeded but flourished. Others were DOA from the get go. Then there are those ideas which initially were innovative, but for various reasons faded away. Those are the focus of this latest series of posts titled ‘Great Ideas That Didn’t Last’ and today we look at the TNA gang ‘The Aces & Eights’. Continue reading

Top Five Wrestling Turkeys of 2013

Craig Wilson, Brian Damage and Jamie Lithgow

2013 hasn’t been without its share of dud wrestling moments. We’ve had a run of poor WWE PPVs, TNA appears to be in perpetual free-fall and a series of story lines have been thrown at us that have left us scratching our heads. We can all agree there’s been some awful moments this year whether that’s been awful heel or face turns involving The Miz and Dolph Ziggler, dreadful authority figures or the WWE Battleground PPV.

With Thanksgiving not being complete without turkey we thought it’d only be apt if the team shares their Top Five Wrestling Turkeys of 2013 to mark the day. Happy Thanksgiving, American readers. Continue reading