‘WWE Presents: True Giants’ Review

WWE Presents: True Giants DVDCraig Wilson

Superstars that were larger than life, often literally, have long been part of wrestling. Acts like Andre the Giant, Kamala and King Kong Bundy were huge stars during the 80s and wowed wrestling fans the length and breadth of America and further afield.

It is the focus of those stars, and their more modern contemporaries like Big Show, Mark Henry and The Great Khali that are the focus of the latest DVD set released by the WWE. Today on the blog, Craig reviews that set: ‘WWE Presents: True Giants’. Continue reading

WWE: Best of Raw After the Show Review


Craig Wilson

People were always going to wonder what would happen to the traditional DVD set from the WWE now that the Network has arrived on the scene.

After all, when it comes to these sets few do it better than the WWE. Whether it’s chronicling a superstar’s career or a series of matches from a particular event, it has always been something that the WWE has gotten spot on. But now so much is available to watch at the touch of a button on the Network

Will people still look to buy WWE DVDs and will the company make the effort in creating unique unmissible titles? Thankfully the answer to the latter is ‘yes’ if this ‘Best of Raw After the Show’ 3 disc set is anything to go by. Continue reading