Top Five Worst Things About The Monday Night Wars

Brian Damage

The Monday Night Wars that took place in wrestling in the 1990’s brought about many great things. Ratings, attendance and pay per view buy rates went through the roof. It made superstars out of the likes of Steve Austin, the Rock and many others. Many wrestlers made more money during this period of time than any other point in their careers. With all that said, today on the blog, we look at the top five things that were not so great about the Monday Night Wars between WWF and WCW.

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The Perfect Getaway: Curt Hennig Jumps from the WWF to WCW

Brian Damage

During the Monday Night War between the World Wrestling Federation and World Championship Wrestling, there were quite a few wrestlers who jumped from one promotion to another. Money and guaranteed contracts were given out like candy. It was certainly a ‘wrestler’s market’ where they could dictate where they wanted to be and pretty much for how much. While we all know of wrestlers like Hall and Nash, Jeff Jarrett, Rick Rude and Brian Pillman all jumping from one place to another…one that isn’t talked about much is the WWF defection of ‘Mr. Perfect’ Curt Hennig to WCW. It involved backstabbing, deception, legal threats and a lot of personal bitterness.

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Remembering WWE 24/7 On Demand: The WWE Network Before the WWE Network

Brian Damage

Over the years, the WWF…now WWE… steamrolled over all of their competition in the various territories and organizations, on their way to national and eventually, global expansion. In that time, while killing off smaller wrestling promotions, the company amassed a very impressive number of video libraries. From World Class Championship Wrestling to the American Wrestling Association to Extreme Championship Wrestling and a number of other promotions in between, WWE had themselves a treasure trove of wrestling history at their disposal.

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Blonde Ambition: Sable Shows Up on WCW Nitro

Brian Damage

During the famous ‘Monday Night War’ between rival wrestling companies WCW and the WWF, it was very common to see wrestlers and personalities from one organization, suddenly appear on the other. It was a “war” after all, so all bets were off. Millions upon millions of dollars were at stake, as well as wrestling/sports entertainment supremacy. So when Rena Mero aka Sable in the WWF, showed up ringside on WCW Monday Nitro…it was another shot fired in the ongoing battle between companies.

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Last Call: Remembering Scott Hall

Brian Damage

‘Hey Yo!’ The wrestling world recently lost a truly huge personality with the death of Scott Hall. He had gone by many different names and gimmicks over his 26 year hall of fame career, but Scott Hall will forever be known as ‘The Bad Guy.’ Hall’s career has had its fair share of ups and downs, but make no mistake about it…he left an indelible mark on the business.

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