Wrestling With Sin: 445

Brian Damage

This is the 445th installment of the ‘Wrestling with Sin‘ series. A group of stories that delves into the darker, underbelly of pro wrestling. Many of the stories involve such subjects as sex, drugs, greed and in some cases even murder! As with every single story in the Sin series, I do not condone or condemn the alleged participants. We simply retell their stories by researching interviews, newspapers, magazines and various other sources of media.

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Book or Cook? The Booking of Darren Young


Craig Wilson, Brian Damage, John Carbery and Earl Marx

The WWE roster is filled with “superstars” at every level. There are the main roster guys who regularly appear on Raw and SmackDown, those who are used as glorified jobbers and those who are barely used at all. In this series of pieces, we will take an individual wrestler barely used and decide if they are worth keeping or should they be let go. Today we decide if we Book or Cook Darren Young. Continue reading

Wrestling With Sin: 52 Pick Up


Brian Damage

This is the 52nd installment of the ‘Wrestling with Sin‘ series. A group of stories that delves into the darker…at times seedier side of pro wrestling. Many of these stories involve lust, greed, deception and in some cases….even murder! As with every single story covered in the Sin series…we never condemn or condone the actions of the alleged participants and victims involved. Continue reading

Night of Champions 2013 Predictions

Craig Wilson & Jamie Lithgow

(Image courtesy of wikipedia.org)

(Image courtesy of wikipedia.org)

Tonight the WWE will host the 7th annual Night of Champions pay per view where every champion – bar the Intercontinental Champion – will put their title on the line. In the main event the WWE Champion Randy Orton will defend against Daniel Bryan, in a non title match IC Champion Curtis Axel faces CM Punk with Punk hoping to win to get his hands on Paul Heyman.

Elsewhere; Naomi, Natalya and Brie Bella will take on Divas Champion AJ Lee, Rob Van Dam hopes to win the World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio and The Usos, Prime Time Players, Tons of Funk, The Real Americans and 3MB will meet in a tag turmoil match for the chance to face WWE Tag Champs The Shield later on in the show. Here, Craig and Jamie share their thoughts and predictions for the show. Continue reading

This Week in Wrestling

Craig Wilson & Jamie Lithgow.

(Image courtesy of superluchas.net)

(Image courtesy of superluchas.net)

When Randy Orton cashed in MiTB after Triple H had Pedigreed Daniel Bryan I felt somewhat deflated. For weeks the WWE had built up Bryan to be the underdog and on the back of that, and being one of the most over guys on the roster, it was great to see him reach the summit. Then that was shattered within a matter of minutes. A bad thing? No, not in the slightest. Continue reading

This Week in Wrestling

Craig Wilson & Jamie Lithgow.

(Image courtesy of www.giantbomb.com)

(Image courtesy of http://www.giantbomb.com)

As everyone reading this will know, Fred Rosser – known to many as Darren Young of the Prime Time Players – this week came out and became the only openly gay WWE superstar on the roster. Unsurprisingly, this created an incredible amount of buzz – exemplified by the number of views this blog has had in the last few days.

Brian eloquently discussed the topic yesterday on the blog, particularly in the relation to the erroneous way that some outlets were describing him as the only openly gay WWE superstar. My take will be different. What I’m curious to see is what happens next. Continue reading

Who Remembers Kanyon? Nobody…

Brian Damage

(Image courtesy of lovebscott.com)

(Image courtesy of lovebscott.com)

The WWE’s own Darren Young recently “came out of the closet” to reveal he is gay. It has got the internet wrestling world buzzing. Some say they were shocked and others say they suspected it all along. Twitter, Facebook, Blogs and Forums have been chatting away about the rather nonchalant announcement by Young. Some say it is a “work” by Young to get a better push, some say the WWE orchestrated this as some sort of storyline, a few have cracked jokes about his revelation, but most have come out and supported him.

Personally, I make no bones about who I am as a man and as an American…I am a Republican. Am I conservative in many of the issues of today? Yes. Does that mean I have a problem with Darren Young’s sexuality? Absolutely NOT! I sit here writing this 100% in favor of Darren Young’s decision to come out as a homosexual. It’s who he is, I am not a judge or jury to decide what should make him happy. Nor will I ever….for any man or woman. Was I always this way? No, but as I got older and wiser I do believe you love who you love and that’s that. Nothing I say or do will change or end homosexuality. Nor do I want to. It is what it is. Continue reading