Top Five Wrestlers Who Were Almost Original nWo Members

Brian Damage

The New World Order was a top faction in WCW during the late 1990’s and helped revolutionize the wrestling industry during that time. Unfortunately, too many members were added with some being bad choices and too many off shoots of the original black and white group led to its ultimate downfall. Today’s Top Five, looks at five wrestlers who were almost made members of the nWo or were at least offered a role and turned it down.

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FACT to the Future: Useless Wrestling Facts That Take You Way Back

Brian Damage

It is time to travel back or forward to a bunch of useless wrestling facts, stats and trivia tidbits that will help us learn more or less about the history of pro wrestling….or probably not. Some of these we are well aware of and others maybe not so much. In either case, they are meant to be fun and enjoyable. So without any further waste of time…let’s learn.

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Dust Up: Dusty Rhodes Turns Heel and Joins the nWo

Brian Damage

‘The American Dream’ Dusty Rhodes was one of the old familiar faces of the old WCW. Whether he was wrestling, booking or acting as a color commentator…Rhodes was a constant on WCW programming. When the New World Order formed in 1996, Dusty represented the tradition and history of the company. He was extremely vocal against the nWo and a staunch supporter of WCW. Just two years later, all that would change and not necessarily for the better.

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This Seat Is Reserved For No One: A History of Empty Arena Matches

Brian Damage

We are certainly living in crazy times. Curfews and self quarantines seem to be the new norm as fears have risen over the pandemic called Covid-19 aka The Coronavirus. With panic over the possible spread of the virus…especially in places that house large groups of people…many events have been delayed, postponed or even cancelled. Pro wrestling has gotten hit with this pandemic as many promotions have suspended operations. The two larger groups WWE and AEW have vowed to continue through the fear…by continuing to run their shows in empty venues. As we approach Wrestlemania 36, the decsion was made to host wrestling biggest event in an empty WWE Performance center. Continue reading

Out From the Darkness: The Birth of “The Crow” Sting

Brian Damage

One of the greatest and most successful characters in all of WCW and in professional wrestling during the 1990’s, was “The Crow” version of Sting. For years, Sting was a very popular and charismatic character. He had the bleached blonde Brian Bosworth-esque hair cut, the colorful face paint and neon tights. Sting was one of the few true stars WCW had during a period of time in the early 1990’s. Continue reading

Whatever Happened to Scott Steiner’s Freaks: Midajah and Shakira?


Brian Damage

Scott Steiner had quite a transformation during his wrestling career. From babyface tag team with his brother Rick to a jacked-up heel in the dying days of WCW into a short return with the WWE. His late run in WCW saw him accompanied to the ring by his ‘freaks’. In this latest ‘Whatever Happened to‘ piece we find out where Midajah and Shakira are now. Continue reading