This Week in Wrestling 2024 Week 23

Brian Damage

It’s Saturday and today we have ’This Week in Wrestling’, the 23rd of 2024. Today Brian talks about the recent struggles of New Japan Pro Wrestling and shares all the best wrestling content from this week. (WARNING!!! Some NSFW content inside) I REPEAT…NSFW Content!

New Beginnings for New Japan

One of my favorite promotions the last few years has been New Japan Pro Wrestling. An organization that doesn’t rely on storytelling outside the ring, but rather in it with their matchups. A formula that definitely works for them and a formula that AEW is trying to emulate themselves. As much as I have loved watching New Japan all these years, I have to admit that the promotion just hasn’t been the same for a bit.

There is plenty of talent that is still there, but losing superstars like Kazuchika Okada, Will Ospreay, ‘The Guerillas Of Destiny’ in Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa have seriously hurt them. Add to that, the value of Yen has been suffering in the nation of Japan and it is very visible that New Japan is not what it once was. Sure, they have a strong relationship with All Elite Wrestling and the exchanging of talent has helped them to a certain degree. After all, Jon Moxley is the current IWGP World Heavyweight Champion. New Japan recently went on record as saying that their partnership with AEW is stronger than it has ever been.

That is all fine and well, but I can’t help but feel that New Japan has become somewhat of a feeder territory for AEW recently. While that is great for AEW, New Japan has been suffering because of it. Regardless, New Japan has been able to create new stars over the years. They have a great training facility and their Young Lions program has proven to be effective. I am not overly concerned that New Japan cannot make new stars of the future, there are other aspects that do need to be addressed by new NJPW President Hiroshi Tanahashi.

First off, there is in my opinion way too many titles in the company. They really should get rid of a few or at least merge some to one championship. I think one of New Japan’s biggest mistakes was getting rid of the IWGP Intercontinental championship. A title that was made prestigious by one of its greatest holders Shinsuke Nakamura. There are about 11 active titles in the company currently. They can do away with the King of Pro Wrestling championship, the Six Man titles and perhaps the ugly Television title. I never understood what the Never Openweight title was about, but seems pretty meaningless compared to others. They got rid of the United States title and create the Global title…meh.

Secondly, the Bullet Club has by far been the most successful faction in New Japan history. Between the talent that they had in it, to the way they were meticulously booked. Since Jay White left the group and joined AEW, the faction has been seriously lagging with David Finlay as its leader. It may be time to disband the group or introduce a new leader. Nothing against Finlay per se, but he is no Prince Devitt, AJ Styles, Kenny Omega or Jay White.

Lastly, their streaming service New Japan World isn’t the best service around. It isn’t always user friendly and needs some upgrades to it. All of these things should be addressed by President Tanahashi. I am confident that this man is the savior for the company. It was Tanahashi who burst onto the wrestling scene and became the “Ace” of the company helping to rebuild it so many years ago. Now, as an executive, I think Tanahashi can do it again. It will be an uphill battle, but New Japan can once again become a dominant organization.

Photo Gallery

The Monster Abyss artwork

A Nation of Domination Reunion

Macho Ink

Recent pic of Madusa Miceli

RTC got to Mia Yim first

JK 😉

Skye Blue

Samantha Irvin

Gigi Dolin

Liv Morgan

NXT’s Dani Palmer

Video Gallery

Not gonna lie, this WCW playset from 1999 looked pretty cool!

NSFW Viewer Discretion is Strongly Advised.

Velvet Sky


Lacey Evans

Mandy Rose

The Dynamite Doll (Dynamite Kid’s Daughter)

CJ Perry


This Week in Wrestling is brought to you by Jobber Clobber

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10 thoughts on “This Week in Wrestling 2024 Week 23

  1. Keep up with more of that Jenni Neidhart content!

    I still support New Japan but as someone that had become a fan of Bullet Club when the Elite took over. Bullet Club is now becoming nWo circa 1999. It’s bloated. Ever since they kicked out Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa in favor of Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows. It’s been downhill as it got worse when Jay White left New Japan in favor of David Finlay. Finlay is a solid worker but I don’t buy him as a leader in the level of what White, Fergal Devitt, AJ Styles, and Kenny Omega.

    Now you have these sub-groups and none of them are interesting. I don’t care for the War Dogs. I hate House of Torture as Evil has regressed into something unwatchable (almost as unwatchable as Chris Jericho) ever since he left LIJ. I could care less about what Bad Luck Fale is doing. Bullet Club Gold is fun to watch as long as they’re not called the Bang Bang Gang. It really sucks these days to be a Bullet Club fan as I’ve stopped wearing my Bullet Club t-shirt.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ishimori is what is saving the OG BC’s remains, because I could care less about Kenta’s goofy ass now too. Through this Best Of The Super Junior, though, he was starting to show traits of a babyface turn coming soon (trashing SHO’s championship reign, sort of putting down Dan Moloney for losing to him and commending the other faces). I hope they set him free soon, because a guy like him deserves a billion times better (wish the same for Kanemaru).


    • Every week you salivate over Jenni Neidhart. You do know the internet is full of chubby white girls right? Straight up creepy.


  2. I don’t watch Japanese wrestling and don’t know anything about the Bullet Club other than what I’ve heard in AEW context, but Chad Gable’s contract is coming up. How does the idea of Gable becoming their new leader and simultaneously establishing himself to the level he’s never been given the chance to in order to return to WWE down the line and perhaps rise to Cody levels sound?

    I know it’s not happening, Chad’s almost 40 and a family man, not about to turn his life upside down, but what do you guys think, would this have a chance of working?

    I still strongly believe that if Chad were three inches taller he’d have been the next Kurt Angle and that he’s the most underused WWE guy in decades, if not ever. The talent and the connection with the audience are definitely there.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Chad Gable would fit perfectly in New Japan…heck…he would fit in nicely with AEW or even TNA for that matter. It took years for WWE to realize that the guy had talent above his short stature. He was thoroughly wasted in tag teams after American Alpha split up and who can forget his ‘Shorty G’ gimmick. What a shame. He could definitely elevate The Bullet Club though.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. AAA Lucha Libre were in a similar situation as NJPW, but that Mexican pro wrestling 🤼‍♂️promotion is 31-32 years old as long as they don’t end up like CMLL controlled by Ultimo Guerrero.


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