This Week in Wrestling 2024 Week 25

Brian Damage

It’s Saturday and today we have ’This Week in Wrestling’, the 25th of 2024. Today Brian examines the debut of The Wyatt Sicks and shares all the best wrestling content from this week. (WARNING!!! Some NSFW content inside) I REPEAT…NSFW Content!

They’re Here.

After months of rumors and speculation and weeks of QR codes and hidden vignettes…the faction now being called ‘The Wyatt Sicks’ debuted on Monday Night Raw this past week. The group appeared after seemingly destroying everyone on the Raw roster. The Wyatt Sicks led by Uncle Howdy aka Bo Dallas (Bray Wyatt’s legitimate brother) includes Dexter Lumis, Nikki Cross, Erik Rowan and Joe Gacy all representing a character from the late Bray Wyatt’s Firefly Funhouse. During their debut, fans began cheering and chanting “Holy Shit!” After the cameras were turned off, WWE fans in attendance actually gave the group a standing ovation.

There were over 4.5 million views on WWE’s YouTube channel ten hours after their debut. WWE management was reportedly very pleased with the reaction they received. According to those same reports, WWE intentionally wanted them to debut in Corpus Christi, Texas (The site of Raw) because the fans there are traditionally quiet. Management wanted to really wanted to see how those fans in particular reacted to the faction. If that is 100% true, the Wyatt Sicks passed with flying colors. That still didn’t stop some from criticizing the debut and for some…completely crapping on the angle. Some said that The Wyatt Sicks came off way too strong and by annihilating the entire WWE roster…made everyone else look weak.

One comment in particular caught my eye, where they complained that WWE was trying to “cash in” on Bray Wyatt’s death with this storyline. It may be a fair question considering in the past Vince McMahon had practiced such things like with Brian Pillman and Eddie Guerrero as examples. That was then, this is now and there is a different regime in power. What I do know is that this was an idea that was directly from the mind of Bray Wyatt himself before he died. With Wyatt’s brother leading this story….I am guessing that Wyatt’s family all agreed to sign off on it. Bray’s sister Mika Rotunda made these comments after viewing the Wyatt Sicks….

“Windham talked a lot about hurting in his character. He would describe real life pain and scenarios as a way to kind of harden, inspire or shape his future. He turned pain into a positive, through creativity and expression.

Last night, Taylor debuted for the first time as Uncle Howdy, without Windham. This was their dream, their vision. Their fairytale to fulfill. He carried this on his back. But more importantly in his heart. As siblings, we’ve always had a strong cord attachment to one another. As the lights when out in the arena and I watched from my TV, my pulse raised. My eyes welled. I felt every ioata with him. While also feeling this warmth, that can only be described as Windham. I’m so incredibly proud of Taylor.

Honoring the memory of a Windham or a loved one while navigating the path of grief is a profound and personal journey. Our family has been on a stage with the outside world to see inside it since 3:33pm on August 24th. A moment in time we as a family will never get past or over. But, somehow— we have to find a way through it.

How does one do that?

In my opinion, It’s in our day to day lives. And creating ways to celebrate their life and legacy, even as we cope with the pain of their absence.

For Windham, it’s in story telling. He was the greatest story teller I’ve ever known. And as we embrace the moments of sorrow, there is a duty to uphold. To keep finding ways to express his madness and genius.

In doing so, it is a testament from our family about the the depth of his love. And our love for him.

Upholding Windham’s homage can be a source of comfort and strength. We hurt. We heal.

In doing so, we keep their spirit alive and find solace in the impact they had on our lives. —

Also, massive, gigantic and amazing praise to @robfee11 and @bakingjason for doing the alchemy behind the scenes. Unreal. You guys are!

Windham, Wish you were here.
Love you more.”

Mika gave the Wyatt Sicks her seal of approval so let’s scrap that notion that this is simply a cash grab by WWE. How will this entire storyline play out? I have no idea. Hopefully it helps tie loose ends with the Bray Wyatt character and adds plenty of new layers to storytelling. I know that before Bray passed away…his vision of this story was muddled by people like Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn who reportedly tinkered with things. Now that the handcuffs are seemingly off, let’s see what will develop. The only thing that I question and really isn’t that deep at all, is if this is the Wyatt Sicks aka 6 as Bray Wyatt had originally envisioned…why are there just 5 members? Is a sixth member looming or is the sixth person actually in honor of Bray Wyatt himself? Regardless, so far so good from my standpoint. Hopefully that can continue.

Photo Gallery

Congratulations to Izzy (a former Bayley Super fan turned pro wrestler) on winning her first title of her career!

The best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be…and Bret Hart. 😉

What a difference 10 years makes…

A random painting of Road Warrior Hawk and Elvis Presley

Finn Balor and wife

Charlotte Flair

Harley Cameron

Mariah May

Tenille Dashwood

Maryse Mizanin

Thunder Rosa

Mina Shirakawa

Maria Kanellis

Video Gallery

Here is a compilation of every commercial involving the Von Erich’s

NSFW Viewer Discretion is Strongly Advised.

CJ Perry

Dana Brooke/Ash By Elegance

Jordynne Grace TNA

Gisele Shaw TNA

Jordynne, Masha Slamovich, Gisele and Sam Leterna TNA

Kiera Hogan AEW


Lacey Evans


This Week in Wrestling is brought to you by Jobber Clobber

Jobber Clobber is this screen printing start-up of our very own Jamie. He specializes in geeky wrestling-related t-shirts so if you enjoy Icons of Wrestling you’ll love Jobber Clobber. You can find him on EtsyInstagram and Facebook. Don’t be shy, give it a ‘like’ and help to spread the word.

7 thoughts on “This Week in Wrestling 2024 Week 25

  1. Wow Chanmina/Mina Shirakawa is getting more older, sexy, cute, and hotter everyday 👍😍👙💖🥵 🇯🇵. More pics content of Chanmina 👍

    Liked by 3 people

  2. That meme of WCW copying off the WWF in the 90s is completely backwards. Would DX exist if the nWo hadn’t done the same things a year and a half earlier? Would the Mr. McMahon character exist if Eric Bischoff hadn’t established the evil authority figure a year earlier? Would RAW have even been live every week if WCW hadn’t forced the WWF’s hand?

    Liked by 1 person

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