This Week in Wrestling 2022 Week 6

Brian Damage

It’s Saturday and today we have ’This Week in Wrestling’, the 6th entry of 2022. Today Brian talks about Tony Khan’s “huge” announcement and sees if he oversold the entire situation and shares all the best wrestling content from this week.

Tony Kharny?

Last week, AEW owner Tony Khan stated that there would be a “huge announcement” made on AEW’s Dynamite. He once again referred to opening the Forbidden Door and signing a big time free agent. Naturally, it got many fans talking and speculating who this person could be. Many said it was going to be Jeff Hardy, while some thought that Windham Rotunda aka Bray Wyatt would appear. In the end, what the fans got was Keith Lee and New Japan’s ‘Switchblade’ Jay White.

I am a big fan of Keith Lee and Jay White is a bonafide young star for New Japan Pro Wrestling. What Khan has done, is amass a roster jam packed with talent. AEW’s current roster is perhaps the most talented roster in pro wrestling in years! With that said, the initial reaction from many fans was nothing more than…meh. It wasn’t just AEW haters that criticized the “HUGE announcement,” it was actual AEW fans that took to All Elite’s social media platforms to voice their disappointment. Some said that Tony Khan is slowly becoming Dixie 2.0, while others feel that Khan dropped the ball and has signed way more talent than the company has any use for.

Sure, there were also people who defended Khan and AEW’s latest moves too. The thing is, I have been saying this for months now….Tony Khan is signing way too much talent too soon and others are being buried and lost in the shuffle of talent. For those who were expecting something different form the huge announcement…I ask…who or what exactly were you expecting to be on the show? Shane McMahon? That is never going to happen. Jeff Hardy? In due time. Windham ‘Don’t call me Bray anymore’ Rotunda? Who knows where his head at right now pertaining to wrestling? Would Vince McMahon walking down the aisle appease anyone? The bottom line is, Khan painted himself in a corner by hyping this announcement as being huge.

Is Keith Lee a great wrestler? Absolutely, but certainly not a game changer as of right now. As for Jay White, the kid has an abundance of talent and charisma…but only die hard fans and New Japan fans know who he is. Most likely, the average fan has no clue as to who he is. The whole thing came off, to some as Tony Khan being desperate for a ratings bump.

Take away from this week’s announcement what you may, some loved it, others hated it. In reality, it is just two more extremely talented wrestlers added to an already stacked and loaded line up. As for Tony Khan…maybe he should not hype something so much without being assured that it is something spectacularly huge.

Photo Gallery

Congratulations on the wedding of Keith Lee and Mia Yim!

A very recent pic of Windham Rotunda aka Bray Wyatt

Live Long and Conquer

A Love Connection made on Space Mountain! Woooooo!

It looks like the people who built the Olympic set in Beijing, China were WWE Smackdown fans at one point! lol


Curling? What?

Funny, sad and true…..

Somebody got a Paige tattoo

Oh brother…

Taya Valkyrie

WWE’s newest signee Bianca Carelli

Mickie James…42

Trish Stratus…46

Alex Gracia formerly of Women of Wrestling and AEW

Maryse doing that cosplay thing…


Kayla Braxton gettin’ jiggy with it.

Video Gallery

A very cool look at bloopers and outtakes from ECW television.

This Week in Wrestling is brought to you by Jobber Clobber

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2 thoughts on “This Week in Wrestling 2022 Week 6

  1. The bigger Tony troll of the week is whomever signed him up to run for political office. That said, he is definitely overhyping his signing for ratings bumps. Hard to argue he isn’t his own biggest mark.

    Liked by 2 people

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