Top Five Blacklisted Wrestlers

Brian Damage

Let’s face it, pro wrestling can be a dirty business. Within the wrestling industry are pro wrestlers that are quite controversial. So controversial, they may have found themselves on the outside of the business looking in. Fewer jobs, fewer opportunities…all in all…may be blacklisted completely out of wrestling. Today’s Top Five, looks at wrestlers who have perhaps laced up their boots for the last time, or at best will never work for a top company ever again. This list isn’t intended to condone their beliefs or personal actions one way or the other…just top five wrestlers who have the skills, but cannot use them for various reasons.

The Velveteen Dream

At one point in time, The Velveteen Dream aka Patrick Clark was the single hottest act in all of NXT. That was truly saying something when there were stars like Johnny Gargano, Andrade, Aleister Black and many others. He had great charisma and ring presence, along with an impressive skillset in the ring to become a future star on WWE’s main roster. Then came all the allegations of him grooming young fans and reports he was nothing more than a pedophile. WWE initially was supporting Velveteen Dream and kept him on their payroll, but the accusations and evidence grew to a point where they had to cut their losses. A career that never saw its full potential.

Alberto Del Rio/El Patron

Alberto Del Rio was a former WWE champion and was a main event talent for the company. He left WWE, only to become a bigger star in Mexico and in places like Impact Wrestling and Lucha Underground. Then reports surfaced of his volatile temper and possible drug use. He was then accused and charged with sexual assault of a girlfriend. The once hot star in wrestling can no longer find steady work. When he was booked for a show in his native Mexico…fans rebelled so much…he was pulled from it. He tried starting his own promotion, but that fizzled out quickly.

Marty Scurll

‘The Villain’ was undoubtedly a hot gimmick all around the United States and places like the UK and Japan. He was just hired to be booker for Billy Corgan’s NWA, when he was outed as having sex with an underage female. Scurll never really had the opportunity to work on the NWA program and certainly was never hired by AEW, which would have certainly been a guaranteed destination for him eventually.

Austin Aries

There was a point in time, when Austin Aries was one of the biggest free agents on the wrestling market. He became a true “belt collector” winning titles all over every promotion he worked for. Suddenly, Aries began putting out controversial opinions about politics, religion and science and the backlash from fans caused Aries to lose bookings. In the midst of it all, Aries has been unapologetic and that has hurt his chances even further to latch on to a major promotion or various independent groups.

Tessa Blanchard

This third generation wrestler had all the potential to be a huge star in the wrestling business. She had talent both in the ring and on the microphone. So much talent, that Impact Wrestling trusted her enough to be their first ever female world champion. Then the wheels began to fall off of her career, when she no showed Impact events, accused of being racist by several peers and the latest incident, bullying other wrestlers on the new show WOW: Women of Wrestling got her fired. Her career is seemingly hanging by a thread, if that. AEW and WWE don’t want to touch her and all of her baggage. A shame, considering the talent she has, just seems very difficult to work with.

13 thoughts on “Top Five Blacklisted Wrestlers

    • Teddy Hart is probably the most blacklisted wrestler outside of Joey Ryan. I chose 5 wrestlers who I feel still have something to contribute to wrestling, but will probably never get another chance for whatever reason. Hart had so much potential, but blew it almost from the start.

      Liked by 2 people

      • You could def do a part 2 with Teddy and David Starr. I am sure there are plenty others from the #speakingout group of guys who were called out, that no one will book.

        Liked by 2 people

  1. Out of all of these the Marty Scurll one hurts the most, because we were SO close to eventually & very inevitably seeing him in AEW once his ROH run was over. I don’t imagine he’d have stayed long in the NWA & we all know ROH’s fate before Khan bought it, so his inclusion into the early years of AEW would’ve been fun to see play out.
    I will say, The Bucks & Hangman sure distanced themselves from him pretty damn quickly. Definitely not defending him, but seeing as how we were led to believe how close they were, I’m sure it had to be pretty damn jarring to have your friends ghost you like that.
    Apparently he’s doing hooked up with Santino Marella’s promotion & doing the mixed fighting/wrestling thing. Weird mix if you ask me.

    I’m sure it goes without saying that Dr. D & Eddie Mansfield should’ve been on this list. Probably A LOT of others from the past as well.

    If that infamous Plan B tape had become widely-known, I imagine all of the associated wrestlers on that tape might’ve also potentially become blacklisted.

    Not sure if Orton Jr or Garvin would’ve suffered too greatly, but I imagine the rest of them would be done since Malenko & Shaw were already in the twilight of their careers anyways.

    Teddy Hart should DEFINITELY be on this list. How Low-Ki, who does the same insane shit as Aries hasn’t been blacklisted yet is beyond me.


      • Look it up. Bunch of those names I listed created tape back in 1979 where they all admitted pro wrestling was fake in a bid to kill off a rival promotion.


    • wow…you gotta really hate somebody to be willing to go so far as to risk shutting a whole industry down just to put somebody else out of business lol


      • Right!? Again, what’s even more amazing is how this tape never became public until the last couple of years when someone uploaded it onto the internet. I can’t EVEN imagine the fallout that would’ve resulted had that tape come out when it was made. Again I’d imagine the history of would look a good bit differently with certain of those wrestlers like Orton Jr and Garvin quite possibly being blacklisted from the industry as a result of their actions.


  2. I am not defending the actions of Marty scurll, or making a moral statement of any kind.
    However for some clarity it is worth pointing out that what is considered underage will depend on what part of the world you are from. The girl in the story I believe was 16, which is not under age in the UK, therefore Marty scurll did not commit a crime in that regard. but something that that would still be considered culturally unacceptable.


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