The If Factor: Rob Van Dam Joins WCW in 1997

Brian Damage

The ‘If Factor’ are a series of articles that takes a look at real scenarios in pro wrestling that at one point or another were suggested, planned, considered…but did not get the green light to continue. What would the landscape of professional wrestling look like if these ideas came to fruition?

The If: Rob Van Dam Joins WCW in 1997

In 1997, ECW is a very hot wrestling promotion with an even hotter star in Rob Van Dam. While ECW did not generate the money and exposure that the WWF and WCW did…they were no doubt influencing the bigger companies ahead of them. RVD recalled living in Georgia during this time and making the decision to visit friends backstage at a WCW Nitro taping. When he was there, Eric Bischoff spotted him and pulled RVD aside and offered him a deal to join the company. Van Dam said he would need to go home and think about it. A day later, the internet was all a buzz stating that Rob Van Dam was going to sign with WCW.

It was then that Paul Heyman called RVD and set up a meeting asking the Whole F’N Show what it would take to keep him with ECW. RVD said that he really didn’t want to jump ship anywhere because he felt that ECW was the perfect place for him and his style of wrestling…but tell Heyman that. Paul offered him a guaranteed contract with a ton of incentives that was a first for the promotion. Heyman also promised RVD, that he could “pull a few strings” and get Van Dam to appear a few times on WWF television to garner even more money and exposure. Little did RVD realize at the time, that Heyman was working for Vince McMahon and the WWF on the side.

While RVD was weighing all of his options, Diamond Dallas Page acting as a liaison for Bischoff called RVD trying to convince him to sign with WCW. DDP said that Bischoff had big plans for him and was going to pour a ton of money into RVD’s gimmick with new outfits, music, set designs, etc. The idea was to make RVD a living, breathing video game character. DDP said it was going to be a really big deal and RVD would be in the forefront of that ambitious idea. According to RVD, he was being penciled in to portray Glacier for the company.

Van Dam admittedly wasn’t too keen about completely revamping his persona that he built up for himself and after a few more calls from DDP…decided to turn down WCW’s offer and remain with ECW. Years later, Eric Bischoff was asked directly if Rob Van Dam had signed with WCW in 1997, would he have been the wrestler to become Glacier and Bischoff denied it. If RVD had agreed to join WCW, would he have helped make the gimmick of Glacier work?

To Read All Other If Factor Articles, Click Here.

7 thoughts on “The If Factor: Rob Van Dam Joins WCW in 1997

  1. We all saw what a wet fart in church Glacier turned out to be, so I’m sure time has proven Rob right in not joining WCW. Oh sure he’d have gotten a nice push & decent promo & tv time, but he’d be as unappreciated as Kanyon became during his era.


  2. Pingback: Next In Line: Gimmicks Originally Planned For Other Wrestlers | Ring the Damn Bell

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