This Week in Wrestling 2023 Week 33

Brian Damage

It’s Saturday and today we have ’This Week in Wrestling’, the 33rd entry of 2023. Today Brian looks at the latest drama involving CM Punk in AEW and shares all the best wrestling content from this week.

The Cult of Accountability

With AEW’s biggest event in their short history just around the corner with ‘All In’ , where 80,000 plus will jam into London’s Wembley Stadium…all the talk and buzz should be focused on that show. Instead, we are smack dab in the middle of yet another controversy surrounding perhaps the company’s biggest star…CM Punk. Now admittedly, some of it seems way overblown, while other parts of it do not seem to be getting enough attention. Overall, I really question Tony Khan’s thinking in all of this. Sure, it is true that at times…”Controversy Creates Cash” but is this the right time for such a motto?

As I stated, all the talk should be centered on their All In show at Wembley, but instead, it has taken a back seat to some of the antics of CM Punk. It started with Punk cutting a promo after Collision went off the air criticizing ‘Hangman’ Adam Page as being a wrestler who doesn’t move the needle as far as selling merchandise. Considering all the past issues between Page and Punk in the past, the promo seemed questionable at best. It was later reported that Punk texted Page to apologize for the things he said in that non televised promo. Why say any of it at all if that was the case?

Punk also supposedly has had backstage run ins with wrestlers Ryan Nemeth (who was reportedly) sent home and Jack Perry. In the case with Nemeth, he was confronted by Punk for allegedly tweeting out how “soft” Punk is as a wrestler. Punk took issue with Nemeth, confronted him and had him sent home from Collision. Another person who was interestingly “sent home” was Christopher Daniels. This doesn’t seem to be talked about enough, but Daniels is AEW’s talent relations executive. Apparently, Daniels was told to go home as a statement to Punk’s good friend and mentor Ace Steele who was sent home in the past and that what’s fair for one, is fair for all.

Imagine if, Stone Cold Steve Austin or The Rock sent home Jim Ross from a WWF show to send a message. Would Vince McMahon tolerate that behavior? Oh sure, there was a point in time when the Kliq ran roughshod over the WWF, but even then, you didn’t hear of anything like this with Punk sending home an official. How did the Kliq’s dominance ultimately turn out for the company? It was one of their lowest points financially. The point is, that while you get what you paid for in hiring someone like CM Punk, ou need a capable someone to be able to reel him in when needed. Tony Khan isn’t that person and he should be. Instead of dealing with some of these issues head on, Khan makes a statement that he is just glad to see people are interested in AEW.

The comment seems asinine to make, especially when you have All In coming up and all everybody is talking about are Punk’s latest antics. Khan should hire a go between executive between himself and the talent. Someone who can play the heel in all of this. Not a former wrestler who is buddies with the talent, but a real cutthroat executive to administer fines, suspensions and even firings if need be. Someone not worried about how he or she is portrayed by the AEW roster. Tony Khan while the owner, just seems to be too enamored with being a wrestling company owner and booker to be that guy. Hopefully, as we get closer to All In, we can spend less time talking about what CM Punk says and more about who he wrestles and give the AEW event the due it deserves.

Photo Gallery

Congratulations to Tetsuya Naito on winning this year’s New Japan G1 Climax!

Congratulations to Rhea Ripley and Buddy Matthews on their recent engagement


Marty Jannetty in an alternate universe…

Too Soon?

NXT fan Izzy Moreno is all grown up and is now a pro wrestler herself.

Speaking of grown up…here is Gage Goldberg. How long before we see him in a wrestling ring?

Cool photo of Dralistico and Penta Jr with their daughters

The struggle was real in the 1990’s…

Good luck to Bianca Carelli aka Arianna Grace in NXT, as she competes for the Miss Universe pageant representing Canada.

Summer Rae

Toni Storm


Hulk Hogan definitely has a “type.”

Dean Malenko with Adult star Minka

NXT’s Nikkita Lyons

NSFW Viewer Discretion is Strongly Advised.

Catalina (Jake Hager’s wife)

Anna Jay


Video Gallery

Here’s a Wendy’s commercial featuring the legend Terry Funk….just because.

This Week in Wrestling is brought to you by Jobber Clobber

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12 thoughts on “This Week in Wrestling 2023 Week 33

  1. Hogan definitely has a type and… ew…. Brother!

    I’m getting tired of all of his drama within AEW. Tony Khan needs to hire someone who will come in and get everyone in a room and fucking yell at everyone. Tell Punk to shut the fuck up and suck Samoa Joe’s dick or else job to QT Marshall on Collision every fucking night until his contract expires. Send Tony Khan to Japan where he will attend CEO training to be a leader while having the person who yells at everyone to run things. No more stupid synergy-based matches like that piece of shit Texas Chainsaw Massacre match. That was fucking shit.

    Liked by 4 people

      • Nope. Pointing out what AEW and Tony Khan are doing wrong doesn’t mean that I automatically have to be a WWE fanboy. I can just be objective. It doesn’t mean that I’m happy with this.


      • No one really is, but it seems, based on many previous comments you make, you usually tend to criticize AEW a lot more than any other wrestling company, thus appearing biased. If not, that’s fine, no one single promoter is innocent in the wrestling business.


      • Because WWE is a corporation. You know what to expect from corporations and criticizing them is pointless. They’ll always try to appeal to the lowest common denominator. And they’re successful at what they do, no matter how much most of the product bores me to tears.
        Tony Khan on the other hand just pisses me off. AEW has (had?) potential and should easily be in the conversation not for distant no. 2 but at least 1B (if not no. 1 outright) by now. It’s not, because Tony keeps listening to the wrong people and focusing on the wrong things.
        So I guess you could say I criticize AEW more because I want it to succeed. WWE – by its own measures – already has.


      • It’s never pointless to hold corporations accountable when they fuck up or do things that aren’t right. That kind of attitude only serves to embolden them to feel like they’re untouchable. If you make a loud enough, consistent noise & hurt them where it counts, they’re wallets, you’ll get their attention & force them to address your concerns.

        As for AEW, given that it’s just a 5 year old company, they’ve been pretty damn successful. What other big wrestling promotion outside of Vinceland had the chances of not just selling out an arena the size & stature of Wembley Stadium, but did so without hardly any matches being advertised? The fact that AEW’s gone on to shatter a previous worldwide attendance record set by the WWE more than proves that that company is successful. Not to mention how much TNT & TBS are clearly happy w/ AEW enough to continually give them more money & shows to showcase more AEW content. You can disagree with Khan’s style of booking, and there’s plenty of examples he’s provided over AEW’s short existence to disagree with, but to say AEW’s not successful is just disingenuous. The WWE is as recognized & successful as they are bc 1). They’ve had a 40 year+ head start over AEW & 2). Vince didn’t build a booming, profitable wrestling company form the ground up like Tony did, he bought an already existing one. Big difference.


      • First one: Vince hasn’t seen a dime from me in over 30 years and he’s still going strong. I’m not anywhere near your average consumer, corpos don’t give a crap about people like me. There’s just too little of us.

        Second: I’m not saying AEW isn’t a success, being number two in the world is pretty good. And it’s not Tony’s booking that pisses me off (although it doesn’t thrill me either), it’s his backstage decisions. Useless EVPs, unprecedented backstage drama, people being put on different shows because they can’t get along. Even if AEW somehow passes WWE in valid metrics, it will still be considered second rate because of shit like this. The only inmate Vince let rule the asylum was Shawn Michaels. Tony has created too many Shawns to count.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Same here, with the exception of the 2K wrestling games.

        I’ll definitely concede that Tony has NOT handled the Punk/Bucks situation as well as we all would’ve liked, and that he is showing a clear bias, if the wrestling “news” reports are to believed, towards Punk. Both Punk & the Bucks were clearly in the wrong, and it seems like there’s going to be visible tension between them all going forward until all parties are forced to sitdown together & hash things out. Punk’s supposedly wants that, but the Bucks don’t.
        Yes I will agree Tony does come off like he wants to be their friends more than their boss, and with time I see he’ll endure enough situations to make that transition for himself. He’s not perfect, but at least he’s trying. But yes, it’s not a good look for the company as a whole. Again, growing pains.

        HBK wasn’t the only one allowed to run the asylum, the entire Kliq did, much like how Hogan & Warrior ruled things backstage. Shawn got more leverage once his buddies left then HHH took over.


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