Top Five “Finishers” That Do Not “Hold” Up Today

Rob Faint

With today’s wrestling influenced by MMA and wrestlers highly conditioned it’s not surprising that some moves which were once considered “finishers” are now rest holds.  Here is the list of 5 “finishers” that do not “hold” up today.


Used by: Bruno Sammartino, Ivan Koloff, Superstar Graham

Why it’s no longer a finishing move:  It’s not a finisher, mostly used as a rest hold.  In the past it was used to demonstrate the wrestler’s great strength.  Today the strongman is rather common. 

Abdominal Stretch

Used by: Bob Backlund, Wilbur Snyder, others

Why it’s no longer a finishing move:  While it looks impressive it’s mostly used as a rest hold in today’s wrestling.  Back in the day it was a crowd participation hold, the heel would grab the ropes for additional leverage, driving the crowd into a frenzy.

Clawhold-applied to either the head or stomach.

Used by:  the Von Erichs, Baron Von Raschke, Blackjacks Mulligan and Lanza, Barry Windham, the Spoiler.

I remember as a kid seeing Mulligan crush apples with his bare hands, and who can forget the giant red “X” that appeared whenever the clawhold drew blood.  Mulligan, Lanza, and Windham were known to wear gloves on their claw hand. 

Why it’s no longer a finishing move:  It’s kind of a ridiculous hold, the fact that someone could squeeze your temple so hard that it would draw blood or make you fall unconscious.  


Used by: Verne Gagne, Jay Strongbow, Nick Bockwinkel

Why it’s no longer a finishing move:  It’s become a rest hold or a fake finisher.  Guys like John Moxley use an MMA-inspired choke hold rather than the traditional sleeper. 


Used by: Bob Orton, Super Destroyer

Why it’s no longer a finishing move:  Another devastating finisher now just another move in many wrestler’s arsenal.  Once executed with the victim perched on the top turnbuckle now both men are standing on the top rope. 

Rob Faint is a long time fan of wrestling.  He greatly misses the territory days.  It’s “still real to me, dammit!” 

 He was born in Brooklyn, NY but now lives in NJ. He loves ECW, the Crockett years, World Class and especially Georgia Championship Wrestling.

9 thoughts on “Top Five “Finishers” That Do Not “Hold” Up Today

  1. I would add that stupid Hogan leg drop as a finisher that doesn’t hold up.

    I’m sure you’re now working on that tribute to Bray Wyatt as I’m still in shock over it. R.I.P. Windham Rotunda/Bray Wyatt/the Fiend.

    Liked by 5 people

    • I agree, unless Hogan is dropping the legdrop of doom on you as he was the best at it then you expect an opponent to get back up. Not if Hogan dropped it thou. Stare at the ceiling and listen to the one two three, thats all you could do.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Fuck that, I wouldn’t job to that racist jabroni unless he uses the Axe-Bomber which I think was a much better finisher. Hogan in Japan is a totally different beast as I prefer that version of Hogan than the one in ‘Merica brother.


  2. There are lots of moves which fall into the same category as the superplex – as soon as I saw the topic on the main page my immediate thought was “DDT”.
    Back when Jake was at his peak, it was one of the most devastating moves out there, now it’s little more than a transitional move.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Soon, the Superkick, DDT, Dropkick, Fist drop from top rope, Piledriver, etc will make this list.

    RIP to both Terry Funk, but Windham Rotunda as well. Jesus that was such a shock to hear that last night. Beyond stunned by this happening.


  4. Few come to mind but it’s a tricky one this week!

    5 – Small Package – Not been a finisher for a long time but always seems to be a go-to for the ‘shock’ win roll ups!
    4 – Moonsault – Definitely a more mid-tier go-to top rope (or to the outside) for mid-match rather than a finisher now.
    3 – Ankle lock – Angle took out many of the best with his ankle lock but when it’s used recently it’s more a 2nd tier move than a finisher.
    2 – Frog splash – Many top stars used the bodysplash from the top whether it was Randy Savage or Eddie Guerrero though now it’s another go-to top rope mid-match move.
    1 – Clothesline – Last impactful clothesline (from hell) was JBL’s finisher but now many power wrestlers like Damian Priest or Gunther etc use it mid-match to slow the opponent’s momentum!

    Liked by 2 people

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