The If Factor: The WWF Interested in Signing Paul Heyman in 1990

Brian Damage

The ‘If Factor’ are a series of articles that takes a look at real scenarios in pro wrestling that at one point or another were suggested, planned, considered…but did not get the green light to continue. What would the landscape of professional wrestling look like if these ideas came to fruition?

The If: Paul Heyman Joins the WWF in 1990

In 1990, the World Wrestling Federation and Vince McMahon were planning an exit strategy for one of their top heel managers in Bobby ‘the Brain’ Heenan. Bobby Heenan wanted to retire from managing and just focus his attentions on other ventures such as broadcasting. According to Bruce Prichard, there was some interest in bringing in Paul Heyman aka Paul E. Dangerously who was with World Championship Wrestling at the time.

Bobby Heenan and Prichard were all for bringing in Heyman to be a replacement of sorts for Heenan and his stable mainly Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig. Vince McMahon, however, was not sold on Heyman as a suitable replacement. Prichard recalled Vince saying that Heyman was too much of a stereotypical “wrasslin’ manager.” Vince wanted to go another way in replacing the Brain. This despite Paul Heyman getting Heenan’s personal seal of approval.

In the end, Bruce states that Heyman ended up re-signing and staying with WCW. Vince and company eventually went with John Tolos as Heenan’s replacement. Would Paul Heyman work out in the WWF in 1990? How different would the wrestling landscape be if he worked out and signed with the WWF?

To Read All Other If Factor Articles, Click Here.

5 thoughts on “The If Factor: The WWF Interested in Signing Paul Heyman in 1990

  1. I think he would’ve been great. Plus, a Dangerous Alliance in the WWF would’ve been awesome. I can see Mr. Perfect as his guy for the Intercontinental Championship, but who would be his guys for both the WWF World Championship and WWF Tag Team Championship?

    Liked by 3 people

    • Tbh I could have seen Perfect, had he not got injured, dropping the title to Bret as happened, and then moving up to the world title picture. Bret follows him as in Bret’s timeline that actually happened.

      Imagine a 1995 onwards with Perfect, Bret, Diesel, Michaels and Ramon in the title picture…

      Liked by 2 people

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