Crossfire: Are Triple H and Stephanie McMahon good heel authority figures?

Craig Wilson & Brian Damage

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon, effective heel figures or not? That's the topic up for discussion (Image courtesy of

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon, effective heel figures or not? That’s the topic up for discussion (Image courtesy of

A few weeks ago I wrote in the ‘This Week in Wrestling’ editorial, I briefly critiqued the abilities of both Triple H and Stephanie McMahon to be effective on screen authority figures in the WWE. Usually there is an exchange of emails over any disagreement relating to content on the blog and it was Brian who emailed stating that he disagreed with the topic.

Naturally, that set off a lightbulb in my head for a new column on the blog where two of us pick a topic and debate it. So, without further ado, are Triple H and Stephanie McMahon good heel authority figures?

Craig Wilson: No: For the avoidance of any doubt it’s worth pointing out that I’m not a fan of authority figures generally in wrestling. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule with Mr. McMahon character was a catalyst in the success of Stone Cold Steve Austin but I just feel that since then the whole GM thing has been done and done again.

I think the Triple H and Stephanie McMahon is just a cheap imitation of what has gone and I just don’t buy into their roles as authority figures. One thing that certainly does not help their cause is Helmsley’s constant attempts to almost be a stand-up comic in his delivery. That just results the effectiveness of his contribution being nullified by the naff delivery.

I can’t be the only one thinking it. The reaction the two get from the crowd couldn’t be further from how Mr.McMahon was greeted in the months and years after the Montreal Screwjob. Heck, it sometimes feels that when Steph comes out the crowd barely react at all. A heel authority figure is failing badly if they can’t generate heat. Even Vicky Guerrero could get a reaction from the fans.

For me Triple H talks too much about being fair. His actions should be driven by a sense of fairness but by a desire to handpick who he wants to be the face of the company. In this instance the end has been Orton with the title but it’s the means that have been flat. Surrounding him with The Shield as bodyguards made a lot of sense but forcing them into an 11 v 3 survivor match didn’t. Could you imagine during the Attitude Era Mr. McMahon forcing 3 members of his corporation to go head to head with a team of 11 faces led by Stone Cold? No, me neither.

The whole situation hasn’t been helped at all by the inept writing and plot holes. For example, this week it was announced that Big Show is back due to a decision made by ‘the board’. Where were the board when Big Show was punching out Dusty Rhodes or when Steph and Triple H were riding rough shot across the WWE?

We’re now left in the position where the guy now standing up to Triple H is a guy, in the Big Show, that has been turned so many times no one knows now whether he’s a good guy or a bad guy. Sure, that’s nothing to do with Triple H and his effectiveness as a heel authority figure but it certainly doesn’t make his task any easier either.

The heel authority figure thing has been done to death and is long overdue an extended period on the shelf before it resurfaces again.

Brian Damage: Yes: It’s true….the authority figure angle has been played to death. That doesn’t mean it has to be stale. With the right people it can always be intriguing. Such is the case with Stephanie McMahon and Triple H. Who doesn’t believe Stephanie really doesn’t act that way on TV? She got her traits from her old man Vinnie Mac. As for Triple H, he really is the new guard of the WWE with Shane O Mac retired from the family business. Can you honestly say nobody “marked” out when Stephanie sarcastically told Hunter, “You have no problem spending McMahon money do you?”

Let’s face it…once Triple H cut his long locks off and started wearing a suit and tie…fans were starting to become a bit weary of him anyway….Like he had sold out and went corporate. It seems like a natural fit that Hunter become the real new face of the WWE replacing his father in law Mr. McMahon. He’s solid on the mic….plays a great heel and can still sell moves and wrestle. (Something Vince just can’t do too much of at his advancing age) HHH is easy to hate…he has that knack, that skill that all the great heels have had. His heel antics have actually helped get The Big Show more over than he has in years. He effectively made Daniel Bryan into an underdog.

HHH and Stephanie have that powerful aura about them that is legitimate….something you don’t feel with Dixie Carter’s cartoonish interpretation in TNA.

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