The Best Women’s Tag-Team You’ve Never Heard Of…

Russ Morgan

The Canadian NINJAs Nicole Matthews and Portia Perez (Image courtesy of

The Canadian NINJAs Nicole Matthews and Portia Perez (Image courtesy of

Collectively known as “The Canadian NINJAs” (National International Nation of Jalapeño Awesomeness), a lot of you have probably never heard of these girls. Anyone who has ever watched Shimmer Womens Athletics out of Chicago can see that the now former tag champs should be destined for good things. Both girls at different times have been noted in PWI 50 Best Female Wrestlers category.

Perez has been wrestling since 2004 and Matthews since 2006, so rookies they ain’t (Perez even worked a dark match for TNA in 2008). The girls don’t just stick to wrestling other DIVAs, they have occasionally tagged with and taken on guys in singles matches (Nicole Matthews v Red DeNero is worth a watch). This is my case for them to get their moment in the limelight.

Reasons why WWE should bring them in:

Both girls are vastly experienced, wrestling in Japan, Australia, UK and Europe. They have a decent array of moves at their disposal and both can take a bump very well. Both are good communicators and can get the crowd behind them. They have experience in carrying singles titles and both can cut a decent promo when needed.

Reasons why WWE probably won’t bring them in:

Perez isn’t exactly a giant, standing at 5ft 3”, whilst Matthews comes in at a respectable 5ft 8”. Looking at the WWE women’s roster right now, it is full of implants and hair extensions. Neither girl conforms to this perceived DIVA image of big boobs and little talent.

Unfortunately, I don’t see the Canadian NINJAs involved in WWE anytime soon. The WWE DIVAs division is purely for show and appealing to spotty pubescent 15 year old boys. There is nothing wrong in giving the girls a dark match in NXT, if nothing but to pass on a little of their knowledge and knowhow. These girls are genuineIy good wrestlers. I think with most of the ingredients there, all it needs is a little WWE enthused Jalapeño powder to spice them up a bit.

Keep going ladies, your both a credit to your profession, I just wish WWE would give you a chance

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