Brother-hoodwinked: Wrestling’s Less Successful Siblings Part III

Kevin Christian Lawler (Image courtesy of

Brian Damage

This is the third and final chapter in my trilogy on pro wrestling’s lesser known and in most cases less successful siblings. You can find part one here and part two here.

Kevin Christian Lawler

Yes, it’s true…Jerry “The King” Lawler had two sons involved in professional wrestling. Of course we all know about Brian Christopher AKA “Grand Master Sexay.” Brian not only had a good run in the WWE…but down south in the USWA as well. His kid brother “The Crown Prince” Kevin Christian Lawler tried his hand at wrestling as well…with extremely limited results. He was arrested in 2008 for trespassing and aggravated burglary. His wrestling career never got off the ground successfully.

Doug Gilbert

“Dangerous” Doug Gilbert has had a long, sometimes controversial career in Japan and the indies. While he has had his share of ups and downs, he certainly is still eclipsed by his late brother “Hot Stuff” Eddie Gilbert.

Don Bass

Many younger fans may remember “The Outlaw” Ron Bass from his WWF days when he used a spur to injure Brutus Beefcake. He also won several regional tag titles with Black Bart as the Longriders…and feuded with Barry Windham in Florida. Don Bass was more a tag team specialist who teamed with his brother Ron in several territories, but never quite making it as a great singles competitor.

Rocky Kernodle

Longtime NWA fans will remember Don Kernodle as botha member of Sgt. Slaughter’s “Cobra Corps” and as an American turncoat who joined the Russians Ivan and Nikita Koloff. His younger brother Rocky Kernodle, on the other hand, was lesser known. He teamed with his brother Don against the Russians and assisted the Rock N Roll Express at Starrcade ’85…but other than that…not much compared to his older brother.

Chris Youngblood

The youngest brother of Mark and Jay Youngblood…a very successful tag team in the Carolinas…both of whom went on to form great teams with Ricky Steamboat and Wahoo McDaniel respectively. Chris had solid success in both Puerto Rico and Japan and even had a small run in the Global Wrestling Federation. When fans think of the Youngbloods however…they think of Jay and Mark first and foremost.

Johnny (Garea) Garcia

Johnny Garcia is the younger brother of 4 time WWE tag team champion and one time road agent Tony Garea. Not much is really known about this sibling other than he was brothers with Tony and wrestled a bit in both New Zealand and the United States with not much fanfare.

Gary Brumbaugh

The late Roscoe “Sputnik Monroe” Brumbaugh was and is a legend in the Memphis area. He was an old school grappler with a great talent on the mic. He was most famously known as the wrestler who refused to work shows unless African American fans were allowed to sit anywhere in the arena they wanted to. Before Sputnik, blacks were segregated to a particular area of the arena. His younger brother Gary tried his hand at wrestling (primarily as a manager) named “Jet Monroe.” He just wasn’t cut for the business and faded away from it.

That about sums up my list of real life siblings who were not as successful or as famous as their brothers were. Others that could be mentioned perhaps involve the Armstrongs (Steve or Scott?) The Guerreros (Mando?) and the Harts (Smith?)…too much debate..too little time.

3 thoughts on “Brother-hoodwinked: Wrestling’s Less Successful Siblings Part III

  1. Mando Guerrero was a big deal in Los Angeles, not as big as Chavo but they billed him as a “giant killer”. He challenged Ernie Ladd for the Americas title and I remember him slamming Ladd in the head with a dress shoe, busting Ladd open. Doug Gilbert had some notariety teaming up with Tommy Rich, saying Brian Christopher was Lawler’s son on TV, called the promoter Randy Hales a crack head and was the Dark Patriot in Global.


  2. Pingback: Brother-hoodwinked: Wrestling’s Less Successful Siblings Part 1 | Ring the Damn Bell

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