Whatever Happened to Scotty ‘2 Hotty’ Garland?


Brian Damage

Although previously a jobber, Scott Garland rose to prominence during the Attitude Era as Scotty 2 Hotty, one-half of ‘Too Cool’ with the son of Jerry Lawler, Brian Christopher. Other that fleeting cameos, he’s been out of the wrestling limelight for many a year. Today we ask ‘Whatever Happened to‘ Scotty 2 Hotty.

Scott Garland is a true rags to riches story in the world of professional wrestling. A life-long fan, Garland wrote a letter to the WWF when he was just 14 years old inquiring about how to become a pro wrestler. That letter was never properly answered, but it did not deter Garland in any way. At 17 years old he started wrestling independent bookings and got noticed by a few wrestlers who had connections to the WWF.


At the age of 18 years old in 1991, Garland made his WWF debut as a “jobber” named Scott Taylor. He would continue for a few more TV tapings as enhancement talent for the company’s bigger stars of that era. Eventually, the WWF cut ties with most of the jobber talent choosing to use stars against stars during their TV programs like Monday Night Raw. He continued to wrestle on the northeast independent circuit working odd jobs to supplement his income.

Luckily for him, in 1997 the WWF was desperate looking for talent to start up their new Light Heavyweight division. Scott was signed by the WWF and entered into the 8 man tournament. Taylor would win his first WWF match in that tournament by defeating Eric Shelley, but lost in the semi-finals to Brian Christopher.


By 1998, Garland was teamed with Brian Christopher with Garland being nicknamed Scott ‘Too Hot’ Taylor and Brian ‘Too Sexy’ Christopher. The team was named “Too Much” and week after week they would come out a parody different things. One time, the Too Much team parodied hip hop and actually got a rather strong reaction from the fans. The team decided to adopt that gimmick permanently and were repackaged as Scotty 2 Hotty and Grand Master Sexay. Their team name was also changed to “Too Cool.”


Eventually, Rikishi was added to the team and they immediately took off! Scotty won WWF tag team gold twice; once with Grand Master Sexay and the other time with Rikishi. Scotty also had a brief run as the WWF light heavyweight champion defeating Dean Malenko for the title. He would only hold that belt for 10 days.


While Too Cool was a popular tag team. I think it needs to be said that both Rikishi and Scotty were two of the biggest stars of that group. Rikishi for his stinkface maneuver and after match dance routines and Scotty for his signature “Worm” move as seen above.

Scotty would eventually return to tag team wrestling forming a team with Albert who was dubbed, “The Hip Hop Hippo.” The team had moderate success, but nothing like his days with Too Cool. After 10 years with the company, Scott Garland was released from the WWE. He would make occasional guest spots on their programming, but ultimately his full-time WWE career was over.

So…whatever happened to Scotty 2 Hotty?


In 2013, Garland trained and graduated in becoming a firefighter and an EMT. It turned out that that career would be very short-lived as fighting fires was not the former pro wrestler’s cup of tea. So Scott moved onto another profession; real estate.


Scott Garland is now a licensed Real Estate broker and lives and works in the Orlando, Florida area. He is married with two children; a daughter they named Taylor and a son named Keagan.

You can read all previous ‘Whatever Happened to’ pieces here.

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