WWE Hell in a Cell 2017 Preview and Predictions

Benjamin Trecroci, Earl Marx & Brian Damage

Tonight the WWE holds their annual Hell in a Cell PPV headlined by Shane McMahon taking on Kevin Owens. Elsewhere, New Day clash with The Usos in the cell, Jinder Mahal defends his WWE title against Shinsuke Nakamura and more. Today the team preview and predict tonight’s show.

Kick-off Match: Shelton Benjamin and Chad Gable vs. Zack Ryder and Mojo Rawley

Benjamin: Seemed like they were pushing for big things with Gable and then they paired him with Shelton and it was American Alpha 1.5, but in all honesty, I kinda forgot about them until seeing this match. The tag division is basically non-existent but maybe this will get them going. Mojo and Ryder are going to break up sooner than later, don’t think this the moment though.

Winner: Benjamin & Gable

Earl: Do I have to care about this one? OK, no I don’t? Gotcha. I don’t care too much, but I think the unravelling of the Hype Bros could be here/really pick up here.

Winner: Shelton Benjamin

Brian: Nothing I see special about this match other than possibly Zack Ryder turning heel on Mojo Rawley. Look for Shelton and Gable to win.

Winners: Shelton Benjamin and Chad Gable

WWE United States Title Match: AJ Styles vs. Baron Corbin

Benjamin: Shouldn’t AJ Styles be in a more high profile match than with a guy who’s been pushed so far down since the Summer? I digress… Really surprised that Tye Dillinger isn’t in this match, seeing how much he’s been involved but kinda hope this doesn’t lead to a triple threat match. AJ needs to have a real US Open Challenge and take on everyone and let us see why he once again is the Face that Runs the Place.

Winner: AJ Styles (c)

Earl: Baron Corbin. What to say. Seems like he was on a roll. Then it stopped. This feud hasn’t really done too much for me. I think AJ will get a good match out of Corbin, but I cannot see him leaving with the title. I’m feeling like AJ and Rusev are going to cross paths in the next 3-4 months, so I’m not going to go with a Corbin win.

Winner: AJ Styles

Brian: Baron Corbin just seems to bore me, but AJ Styles should make this match halfway decent. I don’t think Corbin should win the US title, but I think that’s exactly what will happen.

Winner: Baron Corbin

Randy Orton vs. Rusev

Benjamin: Quick what are they fighting about? Not real sure what’s going on between these two and Aiden English is kinda involved which is fine. Rusev wants to be in a parade. Orton is in a weird place right now. Is he going through the motions, is winding down, is he a main evener still? I’d say Rusev is going to win because well he should and move away from Orton ASAP.

Winner: Rusev

Earl: I had higher hopes for this feud. It got off to a slow start, but has finally began to ramp up. Since this is the third outing, one may believe it can be over after this, but I don’t think so. Something tells me two could have a match with a stip attached to it. Maybe they’ll both end up on Team SD at Survivor Series. Aiden English may be around…and illustrious singing will mark Randy’s downfall (possibly).

Winner: Rusev

Brian: This feud just seems like filler until they can figure out what to do with Randy Orton moving forward. Rusev is talented and seems wasted in this thing. I would love to see Rusev win and look strong, but…

Winner: Randy Orton

Bobby Roode vs. Dolph Ziggler

Benjamin: Alright this match has potential to be really good and it needs to be for Roode to become a major player on Smackdown. Roode was likely going to be cheered when he came in because that’s what happens when someone debuts, but he’s suited more for a cocky heel character like he was in NXT. Imagine he will be soon but this match needs to deliver. Ziggler is also in a weird place like Orton. Hope this is also a one-off.

Winner: Roode

Earl: This one does not really do anything for me. It’s just Ziggler doing his job of being a threat to the new guys, but…the end is one we have seen before a few times over.

Winner: Bobby Roode

Brian: Dolph Ziggler is nothing more than a glorified jobber nowadays. I like the whole entrance stuff he does…but it won’t advance his WWE career at all.

Winner: Bobby Roode

SmackDown Women’s Title Match: Natalya vs. Charlotte Flair

Benjamin: Could totally see Carmella cashing in on Charlotte after a huge emotional win after the health scare with Ric Flair. It would give Carmela unbelievable heat! Can just see Charlotte sitting in the ring crying. Book it. Not too big on Nattie. Not real sure why the belt was thrown on her. Naomi was a great champion and we never got to see Charlotte vs Naomi.

Winner: Charlotte (new champion)

Earl: Listen – I like Nattie as a champion. I do. I think she was overdue for a reign. Has it been slightly underwhelming for me? Yes. Do I think Charlotte at HIAC means something? Yes. Do I think we need to get the Women’s Championship on a face for Carmella to cash in? Yes. Three “Yes”-s means….new champ.

Winner: (and new champ) Charlotte Flair

Brian: These two women have put on great matches in the past and I don’t see why they won’t do it again here. Carmella is the X-factor with the Money in the Bank briefcase. I see Charlotte winning the belt only to quickly lose it to Carmella.

Winner: Charlotte Flair

Hell In a Cell SmackDown Tag Team Title Match: The New Day vs. The Usos

Benjamin: Okay these two have been one of the few things on Smackdown that has delivered consistently. Then add the Cell and this has potential to be Match of the Year. These five guys are outstanding and actually cool. Absolutely love The Usos as heels. Had been wanting to see them like this for a while. Shades of the Samoan Swat Team from WCW.

Winners: Usos

Earl: I anticipate this to be Match of the Night. These guys didn’t even need HIAC to take their feud up to the next level, but here we are. The last few months have somehow managed to remain fresh between these two. Let’s give them 20 mins to tear the place down. As for a winner, I think we have Breezango waiting in the wings. Keeping that at the forefront, I’m going with the heels getting their titles back.

Winner: (and new champs) The Usos

Brian: This should be the match of the night. These two teams have had great matches each and every time they competed against each other. The New Day are branding machines for the WWE, so I see them retaining the titles.

Winners: New Day

Hell In a Cell Falls Count Anywhere Match: Shane McMahon vs. Kevin Owens

Benjamin: While I’m not a huge fan of Shane having matches in 2017, this has been executed very well. Just wondering if this is headed towards something bigger or what else is going to come out of this. Triple H and KO have history but it seems like either they don’t want to talk about that anymore. Now the whole “Falls Count Anywhere” thing is disconcerting because uh the whole Cell thing is to keep you in. So, Shane will half-die and KO will win. Since Sami Zayn isn’t doing anything, could completely see Zayn joining his boy KO and destroying Shane for not doing anything with him. Maybe Stephanie shows up or Triple H as well.

Winner: KO

Earl: I guess I don’t understand the Falls Count Anywhere stip. I thought all HIAC matches were falls count anywhere? Next thing you know…we’ll have a No DQ HIAC match! HA! A little fun there. Not sure what it is, but this could be interesting. The feud has been nicely paced and I think we’ll get a good payoff. I am taking a stab at this one, but I think this feud doesn’t go beyond this ppv. With this in mind, I think Shane FINALLY scores his first major win in a LOOOONNNGGG time.

Winner: Shane McMahon

Brian: Aside from the definite big spots that I am sure they have planned…I see this not being all that great. That is unless they make it bloody. There is a reason they specified this as being falls count anywhere…so something screwy will more than likely happen. What that is…I have no idea.

Winner: Kevin Owens

WWE Title Match: Jinder Mahal vs Shinsuke Nakamura

Benjamin: Can’t believe it’s nearly Halloween and Jinder is STILL the champion. Nakamura much like Roode needs a big win here to become the star that he is. I’m sorry but enough is enough with Jinder as champion. Those terrible promos he was given about Nakamura did nobody any favors. It’s time.

Winner: Nakamura (new champion)

Earl: The fact that this isn’t in the Cell is a little baffling. With Jinder constantly needing outside interference to score a win, it would seem “natural” to pit them inside the cell unless…..WAIT!!! Yep – you guessed it! I don’t think the plan is to take the title off Jinder here. I look for those darn Singh Bros to help He Who Shan’t Be Hindered score another win.

Winner: Jinder Mahal

Brian: As much as I want to see Shinsuke Nakamura win the title…I just don’t see it happening. The WWE has a tour of India coming up soon and I am sure they want Jinder as champion at least until that is done.

Winner: Jinder Mahal


Benjamin: Smackdown has been going downhill for a while now, ever since the Superstar Shakeup it’s lost its identity and the cancellation of Talking Smack further pushed it behind Raw.
Like I said I’m not too big on Shane in a storyline here but hoping it leads to something major that could change the layout of the land on Smackdown. On paper this could be good with the right winners and hopefully is the end to a number of feuds here. Switch the titles, move on to new pairings, bring in some underutilized talents and get Smackdown back to where it was in the beginning of the year.

Earl: Well folks. *Takes deep breath*. There you have it. I can’t say I am thrilled about this card, but I will remain optimistic. This could be a chance for SD to inject some much-needed “oomph” into the brand. It’s a two match card for me, but to each his/her own. I hope the stars use the chance to really “wow” us. And uh where’s Sami Zayn?

Brian: I don’t know what to think about this show. Personally, without the element of blood involved in it…it just makes a match like this seem ordinary. Some matches should be good, but overall looks pretty average.

One thought on “WWE Hell in a Cell 2017 Preview and Predictions

  1. Tonight, Natalya Neidhart’s win-loss record as SmackDown Women’s Champion will end up as either 4-0 or 3-1.

    I would also like to see Becky Lynch get another shot at the belt.

    Liked by 1 person

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