Top Five Favorite Patriotic Wrestlers

Brian Damage

Independence Day is all about celebrating the United States of America and the birth of the country. Sure, it involves hot dogs, apple pie, beaches, fireworks and a whole lot of stars and stripes. Today’s top five looks at my all time favorite patriotic wrestlers in history!

Honorable Mentions: Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Dusty Rhodes, Don Kernodle, Lex Luger, Cpl. Kirchner and Ranger Ross

The Patriot

How can you have a list of patriotic wrestlers and not include…the Patriot himself. The late Del Wilkes certainly played the role well complete with flag and a mask made up of a bald eagle and stars and stripes. He came around a time when patriotism in wrestling didn’t automatically get you cheers, but he made the very best of the situation.

Sgt. Slaughter

Never mind Sarge’s Cobra Corps and try to disregard his brief stint as an Iraqi sympathizer. Sgt. Slaughter was a member of GI Joe for crying out loud! Whether he was a dreaded heel or babyface, for the most part…was looked at as a real American hero. Regardless if that was always the case or not.

Los Gringos Locos (The Crazy Americans)

Sure, Art Barr and Eddy Guerrero were heels and sure they wrestled in Mexico…but make no mistake they were American as apple pie…or at least used it for their benefit. Los Gringos Locos used American patriotism to piss off Mexican fans and were perfect at it. One of the true great teams and factions that doesn’t nearly get the love they so richly deserve.

Kurt Angle

A bonafide Olympic gold medalist who initially wrestled as a heel. It didn’t matter if he was a heel or face, nobody could question his love of this country from his attire to his attitude in the ring and on the mic.

Hulk Hogan

I was never a huge fan of Hulk growing up, but he certainly played up the ‘Real American’ gimmick to the hilt. He would wrestle an assortment of foreign baddies from the Iron Sheik to Nikolai Volkoff to Kamala to Yokozuna and usually always brought the American flag with him in these contests. As a kid, I never questioned his love of the good ol’ U.S. of A! Even if I usually rooted for the heels.

11 thoughts on “Top Five Favorite Patriotic Wrestlers

  1. Then move somewhere else! This is unquestionably the greatest country in the history of the world and you’re a miserable twat. Peace!


    • You only say it’s the best in the world because patriotism has been shoved down your throat since birth.

      Looking at statistics we are at the top on mass shootings, near the bottom in healthcare affordability, closer to the bottom than the top on home affordability vs pay and ranked closer to the middle on the happiness index.

      We have the potential to be the best country in the world, we hardly are though

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I agree with the fuck patriotism sentiment.

    This country doesn’t deserve it at this point.

    That said a glaring omission from your list would be Hacksaw Jim Duggan.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Please let’s keep politics and all of its nastiness out of comments. Agree or disagree, this is about pro wrestling and honestly should stay that way. There is enough shit on both sides of the political aisle that we all deal with on a daily basis. I just want a blog free of that and a small diversion to every day life.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I see Dusty Rhodes is an honorable mention though I’m going for current starting with:

    The American Nightmare Cody Rhodes
    The American BadAss (Biker Undertaker yeah kinda current as he only just retired!!)
    ‘We the People’ Jack Swagger
    Lacey Evans very patriotic especially with military pride as well as…
    Bobby Lashley

    Liked by 1 person

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