Top Five Popular WWE Mid Card Wrestlers That Were Not Utilized

Brian Damage

There is an old saying, “Strike while the iron is hot.” That saying certainly applies to a select few wrestlers that gained a following in WWE despite a lack of a push or real investment into their characters. Instead of the company just going with the wave of popularity these individuals were seeing, they were stagnated in the mid card or given poorly executed angles that killed their once strong momentum. Today’s ‘Top Five’ looks at a few mid card wrestlers who were never able to fully capitalize on that initial popularity.

Curtis Axel

For Curtis Axel… who was a third generation wrestler…his outlook might have been looked at very differently. After an initial push in the Nexus and being paired with Paul Heyman as his manager, which saw him win the Intercontinental title, Curtis’ career dropped down significantly. It wasn’t until he was attacked at the Royal Rumble and failed to enter, that Axel went on a one man crusade to claim that he was the uncrowned Rumble winner. Axelmania was born and with it came a pretty strong fan following. Unfortunately, WWE creative made him into a parody of Hulk Hogan and all that momentum was eventually killed off.

Damien Mizdow

Damien Sandow had an up and down WWE career, but it wasn’t until he became the “body double” for the Miz as Damien Mizdow that his career really skyrocketed in popularity. Fans were eating up all of his antics of impersonating the Miz and taking bumps for the A lister. When it finally came time to split up the pair, it looked as if Mizdow was going to become a huge star. Instead, a so so feud with the Miz followed by Mizdow doing a series of other impersonations flattened him as a rising star.


Rusev was able to get himself over with fans using the catchphrase ‘Rusev Day.’ Every day was Rusev Day and the fans ate it up chanting it in arenas and using various memes on the internet. Unfortunately, Vince McMahon saw the Rusev Day phenomenon as a joke on Rusev and felt fans were making fun of him rather than cheer him in appreciation.


There was a time where Fandangoing was a thing in WWE. Basically, it was the fans humming his theme song in unison, while imitating one of his dance moves. It was a thing of beauty to see. Unfortunately, some of the higher ups believed that it was just a fad that would pass instead of really riding the wave to see where it went. Eventually, his immense popularity faded away and nothing more really came of Fandango in the company.

Zack Ryder

Zack Ryder was the classic case of a self made superstar. Matt Cardona did everything within his power using social media to build his character into not only an internet sensation, but a very popular star in WWE. You would think WWE would really take the ball and run with it. In a way they did. They awarded him the United States championship and put him in a program alongside John Cena. Unfortunately, he was booked horribly as a second banana to Cena, a sucker who was used by Eve Torres and a bump machine to Kane which made him look very weak. It seemed as almost if, WWE was trying to kill off Ryder’s popularity. Perhaps because they (WWE) didn’t create it themselves?

11 thoughts on “Top Five Popular WWE Mid Card Wrestlers That Were Not Utilized

  1. That is a damn good top 5. I was so into Zack Ryder during that time because of his YouTube show. He had gotten me interested and I was so happy he had gotten himself over. Even at the fucking MSG in Survivor Series 2011 despite not being booked. The Rock had to put him over. Sadly, Vincenzo didn’t like it but…

    Matt Cardona is now a fucking made man.

    I also enjoyed the Curtis Axel and Axelmania brother! Him and Macho Mandow were getting me interested in WWE but Cunt Hogan had to ruin it. Fucking racist piece of shit.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Val Venis. Great look. Great mic skills. Great in-ring work.

    After “Right to Censor,” they should have done away with the whole porn star aspect of his character, made him more of a Rick-Rude-Like arrogant ladies’ man character, and given him much more of a push. The short “Commissioner Morley” stint was kind of fun, but, really, after RTC, they really didn’t seem to know what to do with him, when he should have been a solid midcard to occasional upper-card competitor for years. Instead, he kind of drifted, and had occasional Sunday Night Heat matches, despite his talent.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. All facts on all these picks. I’d say Ryder’s probably the most frustrating case out of all these considering the potential for how high he could’ve gone in the company, at least as a stable upper mid-carder. Vince definitely did him dirty out sheer pettiness. No wonder he’s in absolutely no rush to go back there.

    Rusev’s a closer runner-up considering how bad Vince fucked his career as well. Could’ve ridden the wave of “Rusev Day” merch all the way to the bank, but again pettiness & spite got in his way of that.

    Fuck that old ass sex pest!

    Joe Henning certainly deserved better as well given his pedigree.


  4. Every one mentioned I’d have shouted out too especially Rusev, Sandow and Ryder.
    There’s a few I’d add too though would’ve still been below the 5 posted.

    5 – R-Truth – Always been mixed feelings for Truth because I put him in same as Ryder for having the popularity & gotten themselves over but never fully given their potential in WWE outside of a comedy jobber role.
    4 – Tyson Kidd – Heartbreaking injury that ended an underused talent in Kidd, every match he did he often experimented with different moves and they all looked class. Kidd could’ve been given so much more beyond the tag team and deserved a midcard title such as IC at least.
    3 – Aleister Black – Amazing character, explosive in-ring but after his callup to main roster he was ruined. He had some decent promos that had no momentum and, even though he had a few crush matches, he never was given any real push.
    2 – Cesaro – Amount of times Cesaro was held back throughout his WWE career was crazy, he may have had 1 WWE title match vs Reigns but that was too little too late and he made right choice leaving.
    1 – Matt Hardy – Matt was treated in same way by WWE as Christian was until his payoff by Edge just wish same had happened for Matt either by Jeff in his WWE title run or anyone else as Matt has an incredible creative mind and is consistently popular.

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