Top Five Short Lived WWF/WWE Careers that Could Have Been Better

Brian Damage

Not every wrestler becomes a main event star in the business. There are some that quite simply become nothing more than mid card attractions and that is perfectly fine. Pro wrestling needs low to mid card talent just as much as they need the superstars. With that said, some never really had the proper opportunities to “make it big” or falter due to lack of TV time or some other reasons. Today’s Top Five looks at careers of some wrestlers who made it to the show with the WWF/WWE, but never had a real big chance to succeed whatever the reasoning was.

Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon

Furnas and LaFon were as gifted inside the ring as any tag team before or after them. They were both athletically inclined, showed great technical skills and displayed impressive power moves. Their biggest downfall, was their lack of personality and charisma. Perhaps if they were heels instead of babyfaces and were supplied a mouthpiece like a Jim Cornette or someone of that ilk, I truly believe Furnas and LaFon could have had a much better run with the WWF.

Gunner Scott

Gunner Scott was a pure mat technician, who had a great deal of success down in the WWF’s developmental territory of OVW. It was there, Scott aka Brent Albright had a tremendous feud with CM Punk under the watchful eyes of then OVW booker Paul Heyman. When Gunner Scott was called up to the main roster, he was given Chris Benoit as his mentor in storylines. The angle was inexplicably dropped and Gunner was eventually gone from the company. Perhaps Vince McMahon did not like his smaller size or felt that he was undeserving of a push so early. A truly wasted opportunity.

Hade Vansen

Hade Vansen was a wrestler who had promos building up his eventual debut with the WWF, only to have the entire angle and his debut scrapped by Vince McMahon. Vansen was already an accomplished international wrestler who had in ring talent and personality. Depending on who you believe, either Triple H or Vince McMahon himself did not feel that Vansen was ready for the main roster and certainly not equipped to be thrust into a feud with the Undertaker which was planned. Vansen was never seen again on WWF TV.


Key aka ‘Vicious’ Vic Grimes was a stand out independent wrestler for most of his pro career. He was given a golden opportunity to be a part of an angle involving Droz and Prince Albert under the gimmick name of ‘Key” short for Kilo as in a kilo of cocaine. His gimmick was that of a drug dealer. Perhaps the gimmick resonated all too real with the environment that was the WWF locker room at the time and the gimmick was scrapped completely. Regardless of the gimmick, Grimes was an outstanding wrestler for his era and could have been repackaged. Alas, that was not the case. Grimes became more known for his time in ECW and his problems with New Jack in where New Jack allegedly tried to legitimately injure and potentially kill Grimes in a wrestling match.

Marcus Cor Von

‘The Alpha Male’ Marcus Cor Von aka Monty Brown had a successful run in TNA wrestling before signing with WWE. He was renamed Marcus Cor Von and was assigned to the WWE’s ECW brand. Cor Von was the complete package, as he could wrestle, brawl and could talk on the microphone. There was no question in my mind that he could have eventually been a big star in the company. Unfortunately, but admirably Monty Brown retired from wrestling to take care of personal family matters. He never reached his full potential in front of a large audience.

15 thoughts on “Top Five Short Lived WWF/WWE Careers that Could Have Been Better

  1. Respectfully out of all these entries, Grimes is the one that stands out the most as an odd choice for entry on this list. He really wasn’t all that good of a wrestler, experience aside. He had his niche in ECW & later XPW, that’s about where he belonged in the scheme of things.

    Don’t know much about Vade, but one cryptic promo does not a worthwhile entry make, but I’m open to being persuaded/educated on the subject of him to change my opinion. But from what I’ve seen, Vince/Trips or both were most likely & rarely, in the right here,

    Marcus Cor Von is probably for so many THE biggest example of a could’ve been in the business. Everything from JJ not putting the NWA/TNA world HW belt on him when he was at his hottest to the tragic personal circumstances that derailed a promising career. I will say tho, based solely off his WECW career, I’m not sure he would’ve been allowed to fully thrive there, as there was always an unspoken glass, or more appropriately, barbed-wire covered fence of a ceiling for those young talent there that wasn’t named CM Punk. Maybe he would’ve eventually switched brands & been moved on to the main roster, but I can’t say I’d had a lot of faith in Vince to book him properly even then, as Vince tends/tended to not be able to successfully utilize more than one popular black wrestler on his roster at a time. He already had Lashley, even if it wasn’t for very much longer, so not sure of Brown would’ve fared better than a short 2, maybe 3 year career there if that.

    Albright really could’ve been booked & positioned to being the 2nd coming of Chris Benoit, minus the troubling end result had he been given a legit chance to succeed. Although I’m sure his overall size would’ve also kept him limited in how far he was allowed to climb towards that “brass ring.”

    Liked by 2 people

    • Exactly. It’s why ECW showcased them better & gave them more creative freedom, even if they didn’t get the type of big exposure they deserved. Why they didn’t go to WCW I have no idea, although maybe by then they were both too disillusioned w/ the business to attempt to.


  2. I met Vic Grimes after a ECW show in 98 or 99 and he was a cool guy, but I thought the story was he botched a move on his debut run in and that kind of killed his push before it even started.


  3. Struggling with this top 5 & ones I can remember are dubious picks because some had to leave for personal reasons…

    5 – Toni Storm – Wasn’t sure if to include Toni Storm since she was in NXT-UK for awhile & the 1st NXT UK women’s champion defeating Rhea in the tournament final BUT on the main roster she barely stuck around for different reasons & soon left for AEW.
    4 – Nathan Jones – Had a big push with Undertaker but fizzled out because of in-ring issues & injuries then soon after quit wrestling.
    3 – Michael Tarver – Part of Nexus but lasted around a year before being released from injuries.
    2 – Kharma – I was very hyped seeing Awesome Kong in WWE but it didn’t last as she had personal issues with pregnancy & only showed in the Royal Rumble before leaving WWE.
    1 – Sting – Made it to a WM in a disillusioning match vs HHH that transitioned into a wCw/WWF rehash of run-ins then had another short feud with Rollins that ended with injury.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Monty Brown should be given a honorary title from Impact Wrestling/TNA instead of a Hall of Fame ring cos he was so close of becoming champion whether NWA Worlds Heavyweight title or TNA World Heavyweight championship if he didn’t went to WWE


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