Top Five Best Piper’s Pit moments

Rob Faint

Before the Snake Pit, the Barber Shop and Miz TV there was Piper’s Pit.  From 1984 through 2014 he hosted a talk show where he interviewed (or insulted) the who’s who of wrestling.  Here are the top 5 Piper’s Pit segments.  Let the debate begin!

1)      Andre challenges Hulk Hogan for the WWF title.  When Andre came onto the set with Bobby Heenan and challenged Hogan to a match at WrestleMania III, the wrestling world tilted on its axis.  Add in a ripped shirt and crucifix and you have all the makings of the biggest Wrestlemania match of all time.

2)      Piper vs Snuka. Piper has Snuka on his show and after many insults smashes a coconut over his head and squashes a banana in his face.  Snuka goes berserk and destroys the set.  If you haven’t seen it, I recommend you get to YouTube to see it.  I’ll wait.  (The coconut was supposed to be shaved on one side so it would break easier.  Piper hit him with the wrong side and legitimately knocked Snuka silly.  And the set destruction was improvised.)

3)      The Cyndi Lauper interview.  Capt Lou Albano appeared in the “Girl’s Just Wanna Have Fun” video and later appeared on Piper’s Pit to berate Lauper.  They decided to settle it in the ring, with Albano choosing the Fabulous Moolah and Lauper represented by Wendy Richter. 

Basically, the start of the Rock-n-Wrestling connection with the Brawl to End it All, broadcast on MTV and garnered national attention.  Later, we got the War to Settle to Score.

4)      When Piper interviewed Frank Williams.  Williams, a career jobber, gets berated by Piper before Piper beats him up and throws him off set.  He then coined the famous phrase “Just when they think they’ve got the answers, I change the questions.”

5)      The Flower Shop vs Piper’s Pit.  Adrian Adonis, once a leather-wearing biker, converted to “Adorable” Adrian Adonis, a pink dress wearing effeminate wrestler with makeup.  During a hiatus from wrestling Adonis had commandeered the Pit and transformed it to the Flower shop.  He also stole Bob Orton, renaming him “Acey” Their feud ended at WM with a “Hair vs Hair” match which Adonis lost. 

4 thoughts on “Top Five Best Piper’s Pit moments

  1. I think you nailed it.

    On the flip side, the WM V one. Bruce Prichard in a skirt for some reason, Morton taking suck to a completely new dimension. It took Piper a while after that to convince me that he really is as big a star as he was made out to be, but he never returned to the level from before WM III. He just wasn’t a good face.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I really want to like this site and have it saved to my favorites, but there’s nothing here to read. Come on, guys, put in more than two sentences for your number one top five. I constantly find myself googling your stuff (like Piper and Williams) and finding way better reviews on your stories. Step it up boys.


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